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Everything You Need To Know About Muscle Recovery

17 August 2021

The pain you feel today will be the strength you will feel tomorrow, but when handled without care, it may quickly become permanent pain. 

Overuse is one of the leading causes of workout injuries. Pain is such a non-negotiable part of becoming fit that one runs the risk of avoiding it at the risk of inadequate muscle recovery. 

Whether it’s running, aerobics, cycling or yoga, any kind of workout should be followed by adequate and sufficient muscle care. While stocking up on Biofrost is non-negotiable, there’s more to it. Here are a few ways to care for your muscles if you work out regularly. 


When it comes to working out, you can’t depend on your body’s intuition or your gut feeling. You should know exactly what you’re doing. Running on your heels, holding an incorrect yoga posture, or lifting more weights than your body is ready for can lead to lasting injuries. Consult a professional or make sure you read up enough theory before committing to a new workout pattern. 


Sleep is like free after-care for your body. Getting a sufficient amount of sleep helps your muscles recover so that you are at your peak physical condition for the next day’s workout. It also allows our body to take advantage of the low energy consumption to convert the food we consume throughout the day into muscle. 


When you work out, you’re putting your body through a lot. Hence, it is important to actually give them some dedicated care every day. One way is to get a massage, or give one to yourself, in order to open up the knots in your body. It is highly recommended to use supplements like gels and sprays during these massages to make sure you’re ready for the next step. Applying Biofrost to the muscles that have been put under strain really speeds up muscle recovery. 

Take care. Happy work-out! 😊


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